Debt Recovery / Ledger Collections
Why not give us your ledger or book debts? You might be surprised by how much of your “old and abandoned” debt we can collect for your business.
We have 20 years experience in debt collection, and we always attempt to recoup either the full amount owed or as much as we can. For ledger collections we send two initial credit control letters to your debtors. If no successful collection or response is made after the initial letters, then a formal Letter Before Claim is sent to the debtor warning of court action if payment is not received within seven days is sent. In most cases this is enough to prompt the debtor into paying. You will be kept well informed of the progress at each stage of collection.

Pre-Action Fee
Our Pre-Action fee structure means you only pay for monies recovered during the Pre-Action process. Please contact us for a ledger collection fee structure.
One off Pre-Action letters
If required, we can offer a one off Pre-Action letter. Our standard charge is £10 per letter sent.
What do we need from you?
All we need for your initial instruction (for both one off letters and ledger collections) is a copy of the outstanding invoice showing the current balance outstanding and the contact details for the debtor.
Issuing Court Proceedings following Pre-Action Letters
If the debtor has failed to pay after the Letter Before Action, you may wish to instruct us to issue court proceedings against them. The exact cost depends on the debt value you are claiming, though most can be recovered from the debtor on successful recovery of the debt. A full estimate of costs will be provided prior to any action being taken and we will not take any action without your firm instructions.
Debt Recovery Costs
For our full outline of costs and fees involved at each stage of the debt collection process carried out by Rickovery, please click here to view the pricing structure. For any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.