Property Management
Some landlords are happy to manage their own properties, but if you lack the time or the experience, you might want to consider employing a Property Manager.
Whether you’re moving to a new area and renting out your home, you own more than one house which you let and manage, or you simply don’t have time to manage a rental property, a Property Manager could be the answer to your landlord problems.
So what can Rickovery offer?
Dealing with your Tenants
We work as the lynchpin between the landlord of the property and the tenants. We will deal with all tenant-related issues, acting as a representative for the landlord. Once the tenants are moved in, we are the first port of call if something goes wrong! We will handle most of the outgoing operations for the property, which can include anything from drafting tenancy agreements, collection of rent payments and following up on missed rent payments to maintenance issues.
Communicating with the Landlord
Not only will we maintain a positive relationship with your tenants, we work directly with the Landlord of the property. This includes keeping the landlord informed of legal issues and any maintenance and repairs that are needed on their property. We play a key role when it comes to the small details that can be involved in letting out a property.
Dealing with Maintenance & Repairs
We oversee the running of the property on behalf of the landlord, and the upkeep and maintenance of the building is a key part of what we provide. We can be placed in charge of keeping the property in good condition as well as the surrounding grounds, essential duties can include dealing with repairs, breakages and the general maintenance of the grounds and garden. Essentially, we aim to prevent the property from deterioration, so we may oversee a wide range of maintenance duties ranging from lawn care, appliance replacements, window cleaning and renovations.
How much does it cost?
We charge a small percentage of your monthly rental income for the peace of mind services which we offer. Please contact us for more information.